Adam Liang

Software engineer experienced in React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, and Javascript

About Me

Hey there! I'm Adam Liang, a software engineer and game designer with experience in web application development and virtual reality game development. I graduated from New York University in 2017 with a double major in Computer Science and Game Design. I previously worked as a software developer and senior technical instructor at App Academy.

At times when I'm not working, I'm usually traveling in search of new cafes and restaurants. If I'm not eating then you'll most likely find me playing the most recently released competitive game in any genre.


toobU is a YouTube clone that focuses on publicly uploading and sharing videos. Users with an account will have access to a number of features, some of which include creating channels and commenting on videos.


Created with the KreatAR team, Tinkernote is an augmented reality design and messaging app for Android and iOS. Users are able to create their own personalized messages by using a number of centerpieces and objects.


Conflux is a VR puzzle game built for HTC Vive.The player's main mechanic is to fix futuristic cubic circuits by connecting the same colored nodes.

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